Bonus Easter Episode I know Ninja: the Perfect Weapon & American Ninja W/

On this Easter Bonus Episode instead of Eggs your getting Ninjas! Lindsay is joined by Vick from the Action B Rated Podcast for a High Kick Double Feature of Jeff Speakman's Perfect Weapon from 1991 and the Cannon-tastic American Ninja with Michael Dudikoff. Where on movie wants to get the style and history of it's Martial Arts correct and the other one is American Ninja. Listen to Action B Rated Here Follow Action B Rated on Twitter @ActionBRated Follow Action B Rated On Instagram @actionvick Follow Schlock and Awe on Twitter @schlockandawe1 Follow Schlock and Awe on Instagram @schlockandawe1 Follow Lindsay on Twitter @readandgeek Podcast Can be Downloaded Here Apple Podcasts Apple Podcasts Spotify Stitcher Original Music by Anthony King