S&A Ep 10 TWINNING: Twins of Evil & The Other W- Brent Petersen

On this week's Episode Lindsay is joined by her Podcasting Brother from Another Mother Brent Petersen. As they discuss a Twinning Double, with Twins of Evil and The Other. It's a episode of mirrors and different realities and of good and evil twins. One joyfully goofy the other moody and sinister. And both proving how amazing the horror genre was in the early 1970s. And did The Other secretly influence the movies of 1999? Podcast Can Also Found Podbean Apple Podcasts Spotify Stitcher I Heart Radio Follow Brent on Twitter @drbobroberts Follow Schlock & Awe on Twitter @schlockandawe1 Follow Schlock & Awe on Instagram @schlockandawe1 Follow Schlock & Awe on Letterboxd SchlockAwe Opening & Closing Credits: Calling Munity, Marc Wallock www.shutterstock.com