S&A Ep7 Partying in LA The Nice Guys & Beyond the Valley of the Dolls W- Matt Bledsloe

As we're heading into the New Year it's time to let off a little steam and head to a party. Lindsay is joined by Film Feast Host ( @filmfeastpod ) Matt Bledsloe ( @mattbled87 ) as they wonder through a densely packed party Double Feature of The Nice Guys and Beyond the Valley of the Dolls. You Can Also Find The Podcast Apple Podcasts Podbean Spotify I Heart Radio FM Player Film Feast Podcast @filmfeastpod Film Feast Instagram filmfeast Matt's Twitter @mattbled87 Credits Schlock and Awe Twitter @schlockandawe1 Schlock and Awe Instagram schlock_awe_movies Schlock and Awe Letterboxd SchlockAwe Lindsay's Twitter @readandgeek Lindsay's Letterboxd Lindz81 Opening & Closing Credits: Calling Munity, Marc Wallock www.shutterstock.com