Wes Craven Kick Part 3 - I am a Child of the 1990s

I was born in the ealry 1980s but I am a child of the 1990s. It is the decade I grew up, the decade where my tastes really formed. I like snappy dialogue, flannel shirts, boot leg jeans and short skirts. I had a Rachel as a teenager. It was in the 1990s where I became to really love going to the movies. Almost every week I went to the cinema. It's not surprising that it's this decade of Wes Craven's work that I really conncet with. I didn't know it the time, but Craven was one of those directors that shaped by tastes as much as Tim Burton and Steven Spielberg. And it's in this decade where Craven really hits his stride and makes some of his great movies that changed where horror went, yet again. NIGHT VISIONS 1990 Night Visions moves and feels like a television pilot. And before you ask; yes I would have watched at least three seasons of James Remar and Loryn Locklin solve cri...